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astro church & sunday school

Firefly a tiny school building floating high in the sky with planets around it and astrolo

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join the congregation

sundays, january 14th thru june 30th 2024

(except for a spring break on march 31st)

gather with seasoned astrology educator kelsey rose tortorice and fellow students of the stars for a weekly sermon on the cosmic context unfolding in the collective and in your life.


you can join as a churchgoer only OR join at the student level to access the full length astrology course + stay for sunday school after the sermons.


see which option is best for you​

the basics

astro church:

6 months of weekly sunday morning astrology sermons ~ start anytime


tune into spiritual & practical support aligned contextually with the astrology of each week for the first half of 2024. attend the live broadcast on zoom or to the playback shared afterwards.


each week focuses on one or more astrological events that connects the major themes for the year to the ways they unfold in the collective and in your life week by week. we will turn to the cosmos for context, and turn inwards to cultivate presence, awareness, and peace.


astro church is for those who would love a weekly dose of cosmic context to help frame your week and maintain your conscious connection to spirit.


astro church on its own is perfect for you if you are either:

A) already quasi-literate in astrology


B) not interested in developing astro-literacy


for those seeking to access or strengthen a foundational astro-literacy, please consider also joining for sunday school.


sunday school:

6 month, small group astroliteracy curriculum


learn astrology for yourself, with my tried & true 24 unit curriculum. sunday school meets after astro church on sunday mornings, limited to 20 people. recordings available.


our study sessions are concurrent with both the ongoing astro-weather as referenced in the astro church sermons and  the curriculum that students will be taking in each week, in between our sunday meetings.


small class group study sessions will focus on integrating that week's material as applied to both current transits as well as individual natal charts, getting to know one another and one another's astrology, student questions, and discussion.


astro church + sunday school is for those who'd cherish the sunday sermons and also desire to join the next cohort of astrology students to study with kelsey, accessing their own, intuitive approach to astrological literacy and cosmic awareness. (limited to 20 spots!)


consider joining sunday school if:

  • you know you love astrology, but have yet to feel a sense of solid understanding with the archetypes

  • you have some astrological-literacy, but wish to feel more fluid and natural in putting all the pieces together

  • you have self-studied for a while, but would love to fill in the holes of your foundation

  • you would enjoy a group learning experience with some structure

  • you resonate with the way that kelsey speaks astrology

the options

the details


astro church congregates on sundays at 9:30a PT

check your timezone here


expect a sermon of ~45 minutes (there will be some variance) followed by an optional ~15  minute, unstructured "lobby" hang, where participants are welcome to mingle and discuss the cosmic message. note that only the sermons are recorded, and will be shared each sunday within ~3 hours of the live broadcast.


sunday school follows astro church each weekbeginning at 10:30a PT

check your timezone here


sunday school students will join a separate zoom room for our live study sessions of 60-75 min. these smaller group class sessions offer additional and more intimate space which is geared primarily towards integrating and applying the prior week's course content to the natal charts & lives of those present in class. this time can also be used for further discussion and personal application of the real-time astro weather as presented in the sermon before class.


students gain access to the full astrology course on 1/14 via the course site on, and are encouraged to watch the assigned section of each course and complete the recommended integration exercises (aka homework) between sunday classes.


for the first three months (freshman level), you'll be taking in ~1 hr 20 minutes of course content per week, plus whatever time you dedicate to homework (10-60 min)


for the second three months (sophomore level), you'll be taking in ~2 hrs of course content per week, plus whatever time you dedicate to homework (10-60 min)


course content is available through the teachable platform and can be viewed from a browser or on the teachable iOS app.


to see the detailed curriculum & schedule (& more!) for the astrology course, click the following links & scroll down to the "curriculum" sections near the bottom:

freshman level (aka the first 3 months)

sophomore level (aka the second 3 months)


for ASTRO CHURCH & SUNDAY SCHOOL, do not enroll using the payments on the above pages. those enrollments are for totally self paced access to the course, which do not involve our sunday sessions. unless that alternative option is your desired experience, enroll using the links on this page in the section below.


note - while the full freshman & sophomore level is recommended for the sake of cohesion, you are welcome to inquire about joining for one half rather than both.

the pricing


(additional personalized payment plans &/or pricing accommodations may be available upon inquiry. email with your proposed adjustment.)





sermons only ~ no sunday school or astro course



sign up on patreon to become a churchgoer​

no commitment + option to try one week for free




access to weekly sermons, full astro course, & small group class sessions​


payment plan - $280/month (6 months)

click here to enroll using this option




pay in full: $1550

click here to enroll using this option


pricing & enrollment
the details

© 2023 by kelsey rose tortorice

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