rose tortorice
cosmic contextualizer
vessel for upheaval

about me
i am a cosmic contextualizer.
a translator of the languages of consciousness.
an agent for sacred pattern recognition.
a talisman for upheaval.
i primarily use the languages of astrology and human design in my work in all of the above.
i am also informed and inspired by
a traditional background in music and music education (and eight years in public teaching)
a decade+ long traditional yoga practice (and the awareness that developed within it)
focused and in depth exploration of energetic and and channeling practices such as reiki and the akashic records
a lifetime of studying relationships, community, individuality, and the dance amongst them.
i serve emotional provocation, joyful correction of what doesn't work, shatterings, awakenings, initiation, and impact. do not engage with me or with my work if you do not wish to experience upheaval.
my upheaval accelerates your process of coming into radical honesty with your Self.
i am a 5/2 emotional manifestor on the cross of upheaval.
innocence motivation
power view
consecutive determination
taste cognition
artificial shores environment
i am essence aries (sun, venus, mercury) with sagittarian insides and outsides (moon, ascendant) ruled by a 7th house (relationally oriented) jupiter in gemini.

My background of singing in choirs and teaching music has instilled in me a deep appreciation for community and the healing that is inevitable when creating with others. Meditation in the form of singing and reading music along with the very real and unfortunate burn out being a full time public school teacher led me to a yoga practice in 2011. Since immersing myself in traditional yoga as a spiritual practice, I have discovered many other subtle healing art forms like astrology, reiki, tarot, and the akashic records.
MUSIC | I am a licensed Music Educator (B.M.ed, Vandercook 2011)
REIKI | I am a certified Reiki Teacher in the Usui Holy Fire III system of healing. I completed my Reiki training under Jerry Mikutis in 2018.
ASTROLOGY | After 4+ years of self study, I completed the first year program at the Portland School of Astrology under JP Hawthorne and Rhea Wolfe in 2019. I am currently continuing to study Hellenistic Astrology through Chris Brennan's program as well as Acyuta Bhava Das' at Nightlight Astrology. My practice is grounded in traditional Hellenistic astrology and incorporates tools from modern psychological schools of astrology as well.
HUMAN DESIGN | I completed all three levels of foundational course study through the International Human Design School with Amy Lee and John Cole of the Human Design Collective. I also completed the Living Your Design Guide Certification with Alokanand Diaz - a friend and student of Ra Uru Hu who received and transmitted the Human Design knowledge. I am presently continuing my studies with Alok. I am listed on IHDS as a Human Design Professional.
AKASHIC RECORDS | I learned to read Akashic Records with Leah Garza of Crystals of Altamira in 2020. I often open the records in my work with astrology & human design querents.
my education & training