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eclipse season transition 2021

it's the end of an era and the beginning of another!

on january 18th, 2022, the transiting nodes will scoot backwards from the gemini & sagittarius axis to the taurus & scorpio one, but the upcoming lunar eclipse across the taurus scorpio axis later this week expedites our awareness of the new transit and creates a sort of overlap where we'll exist for a couple of months simultaneously in the process of the old dynamic and the new one.

this blog post offers insights around general themes from the coming and going nodal transits as well as tips, timelines, and rising-sign based house topics to help you contextualize the eclipse cycle that you're moving out of and anticipate the one you're moving into.

the transiting nodes & the themes they carry

the nodes bring cosmic recalibration. since may 2020, we've been getting disoriented and reoriented around themes of truth and possibility, dogma and nuance, absolutism and complexity. we've rearranged many of our existing core beliefs as we've dealt with an influx of new information.

beginning this fall and especially moving into early 2022, our new themes for dis & re orientation will be around stability and instability, life and death, separation and connection, destruction and sustainability, the temporary nature of life and the eternal nature of consciousness. we will be called to acknowledge our relationship to resentment and fear and invited to engage with new versions of ease, new avenues towards comfort, and a recommitment to life in our bodies and on our planet.

relevant timeline

as mentioned above, the nodes move from the gemini-sagittarius axis to the taurus-scorpio one on january 18th, 2022. however, the full moon on november 18th/19th happens at 27° taurus/scorpio - only four degrees away from the nodes in very early gemini/sag. this means that full moon will in fact be a lunar eclipse in our upcoming sign axis. this lunar eclipse occurs late in the evening on 11/18/2021 and/or early morning on 11/19/2021.

two weeks later, the sun will have moved into sagittarius and when the moon conjoins the sun for our monthly new moon, we'll be experiencing our last eclipse of the gemini sagittarius nodal transit. this takes place in the late evening on 12/3/2021 and/or early morning on 12/4/2021.

the tips and topics below will be relevant during the time leading up to, between, and shortly after these two eclipses. (likely through and a bit past the full moon in late gemini on 12/18/2021.

the potential of eclipse periods

eclipses periods can feel disorienting, overwhelming, painful, and isolating.

eclipses might bring about:

  • doubt, uncertainty, and confusion

  • trajectory shifts (often via crises)

  • dysregulation

  • seemingly unresolvable conflict

  • painful redirection

  • the surfacing of uncomfortable patterns and wounds

this all has to do with the power and the maleficence of the lunar nodes, which are the point at which the sun and the moon cross paths and represent our attachments and patterns as well as the intersection of our temporary physical life and our eternal nature.

some ways to show up for yourself during eclipses:

  • stay committed to the regular practices and rituals that support your well-being

  • be gentle and patient with yourself

  • allow space for what you don’t know

  • surrender to what is out of your control, trust the process

  • be blatantly honest with yourself as much as possible

  • know what helps you clear / discharge shit

  • know who you feel safe being vulnerable with

  • remain centered at your root, and flexible in your approach

some ways to show up for each other during eclipses:

  • be gentle and patient. turn up the compassion.

  • accept that everyone is in command of their own experience and do not try to control another's emotional response.

  • let next steps in interpersonal and group dynamics emerge slowly and organically.

  • when tensions are high, take space.

  • do not try to fool anyone. be honest.


(read for your rising sign for sure if you know it, and check out your sun sign too if you'd like, or use your sun sign if you don't know your rising sign.)

house axes of recalibration for the signs during the 11/18 - 11/19 lunar eclipse which ushers in the new recalibration axis for the next 18 months:

aries & libra | 2H&8H

beliefs, habits, patterns of thinking, perspective shifts, worldview

taurus & scorpio | 1H&7H

others' perception of you, your perception of others

gemini & sagittarius | 6H&12H

what makes you feel trapped & how you transcend your physical circumstances

cancer & capricorn | 5H & 11H

personal visions, collaborations, sense of belonging, joy and pleasure

leo & aquarius | 4H&10H

home, private life, ambition, self love, impact, public image

virgo & pisces | 3H&9H

beliefs, habits, patterns of thinking, perspective shifts, worldview

house axes of recalibration for the signs during the 12/3 - 12/4 solar eclipse which concludes the recalibration experience of the last 18 months:

aries & libra | 3H&9H

beliefs, habits, patterns of thinking, perspective shifts, worldview

taurus & scorpio | 2H&8H

boundaries, security, vulnerability, self worth, projection

gemini & sagittarius | 1H&7H

others' perception of you, your perception of others

cancer & capricorn | 6H & 12H

what makes you feel trapped & how you transcend your physical circumstances

leo & aquarius | 5H&11H

personal visions, collaborations, sense of belonging, joy and pleasure

virgo & pisces | 4H&10H

home, private life, ambition, self love, impact, public image

considerations for this eclipse cycle turning point

MUTABLES (gemini, virgo, sagittarius, pisces) are finishing up a prominent eclipse cycle. if one of these is your rising sign and/or a place where you have personal planets, pay special attention to what repeated dynamics, topics, and patterns have shown up since may 2020 and allow for change to occur here.

FIXIES (taurus, leo, scorpio, aquarius) are beginning a prominent eclipse cycle. if one of these is your rising sign and/or a place where you have personal planets, pay special attention to what new dynamics, topics, and patterns are beginning to be prominent and brace yourself for some cosmic reorientation.

wherever you are in your journey, however these eclipses and nodal transits hit your chart, be well, lean back, trust, and breathe. happy eclipsing!

get some one on one contextualization and processing support by scheduling an astrology session with me in december or january.

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